Rediscover the world of people
Method X will help You, in just a few minutes, to learn about people what they may not even know about themselves!
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Method X - the first unique human character recognition system
Method X is based on a complex algorithm for calculating a person’s character, the deep features of personality and stable long-term habits. A person is able to change over time, but there are fundamental characteristics that are given at the time of birth and accompany people whole their lives. They have a significant impact on motives of actions and behavior, determine the life path. It is these characteristics that Method X calculates.
Method X system has been in development for over 10 years
The scientific team of parapsychologists worked on the creation of the system. We analyzed a huge sample of respondents, more than 10 thousand people, in order to identify common patterns in their character, personality type and fate. Information was considered in retrospect of the last 100 years, so it was possible to use the data not at the current moment, but to trace the influence of the individual throughout their lives. We generalized the obtained results and developed a calculation algorithm based on basic information about a person with 80-100% accuracy.
Sergey Tsyvenkov
Founder of Method X
Welcome to Method X application.

A few years ago I didn’t even think that I would create something similar, but I always had questions which I could not answer for myself ... for example: why it is uncomfortable to be for a long time in the company of my parents while being a loving and beloved son. Why my ex-wife and I could not carry our dizzy love through life. Why my best childhood friend always envied me and did not help in a critical situation. Why sometimes there was no reciprocal support. How to protect yourself from unscrupulous business partners.

I always measured people by my own standards, and that was my main misconception.

All this served as an occasion to create my own system for recognizing the nature and behavior of people. It is up to you to decide whether they are good or bad, smart or stupid. My method will help you figure out the rest. Even without meeting a new acquaintance, you will already understand who is in front of you - a very gullible person or an excellent manipulator. You will be able to find out who in your social circle is a logician, who seeks to gain everyone’s attention and suffers from its lack, who has a strong will and is able to successfully exercise power, and who should not be empowered. Understand why someone has been acting like a child all their life, and someone was mature and wise since childhood. You will easily recognize optimists and pessimists. And quite lot of other things. Each characteristic is like a complete puzzle and reflects up to 90% of the basic traits of any personality.

Knowing your character, you will easily find your own kind, it will be easy for you to coexist with them, and simply understand and accept others who not like you. But it is important to remember that there are exceptions in everything, and you must not take too literally what you see / hear, because the world is multifaceted! Reading the characteristics will not take much time, and you will not need to grasp the meaning of unfamiliar words - everything is written in a simple and accessible language! Wish you happiness and the best of luck!

Know yourself
Understand your close one
Learn compatibility
Plan Matching
Check stranger
Choose employee
Know yourself
Understand your close one
Learn compatibility
Plan your matchmaking
Check a stranger
Choose a perfect employee
Look at yourself from the other side - get your own psychological portrait. This will help to better understand the inner world, the motives of behavior and actions. You will understand in which direction you should move, which profession is preferable and how to build relationships with others. You will be able to develop the positive aspects and strengths, and, on the contrary, level out the flaws and destructive hobbies.
Really get to know your parents with Method X. Discover their deepest motives and long-standing habits, just to accept them. Unfortunately, parents cannot be changed, but we can see their weaknesses and build relationships, considering them.
Method X will help you see your child’s true inclinations and talents that need to be developed. Having understood your children, you will allow them to choose a right path in their lives. You will not be tormented by doubts whether you are doing the right thing, because you will know for sure what is important for your child and what is not.
The Method X system calculates partners compatibility and determines the style of relationships. Compatibility is considered as a percentage from 20% to 100%. The higher the value, the more people fit together. Relations can be calm like a calm surface of a lake, or they can be stormy like a storm at sea. A tip for what they will be in your union is the waves inside the heart icon.
Each pair has its own model of success - a type of partners behavior in which the union will be successful. Method X recommends a success model, so you can adjust your communication with each other to create the perfect family.
Dating sites advise you to first meet in a neutral territory - in a park or on the street, in order to assess how comfortable people are in communicating. Sometimes at first glance it’s clear that there’s nothing to talk about. This means that the Matches wasted their time in correspondence and organizing a meeting. The Method X system will solve this problem, and you will no longer have to guess what kind of person you will meet on a date. Become an advanced user of dating sites and immediately find the person who is right for you for friendship, romance or love.
Sometimes a person seems reliable, and a deal is profitable, but in fact it is not. As a rule, we have to rely on intuition to decide what to do in atypical situations. Should I make a prepayment to a smiling seller from the internet? Should I lend money to a charming man from the parent committee? Should I hire a polite neighbor from the first floor as a nanny?
Method X will help you understand whether or not to trust a stranger, and sometimes whether it is necessary to communicate. Check the stranger through the system, so as not to risk money, nerves, health, and sometimes life.
They did not come up with probationary period in vain - during this time the manager will have to understand how good the employee is not only as a specialist, but also reliable as a person. This time can be reduced if you get a psychological dossier of a person at the interview stage. You can check the entire pool of candidates at once to invite the most suitable one to work. This will increase recruitment efficiency and reduce recruiting costs.
It is now possible to work with personnel without an HR director. With Method X, you'll learn how to educate and retain key employees. You will be able to understand their true intentions, find out ambitions and motivation, and create effective levers of personnel management.
Check a person
Understand your close one
Learn compatibility
Plan your matchmaking
Check a stranger
Choose a perfect employee
King, Pharaoh, Tsar.

A rare specimen. The versatility of the personality, self-sufficiency and, as a result, often loneliness. Toughness of character, the highest degree of pride, selfishness and pride. Low emotionality. Iron core strength. Quickly gets into the spotlight. He is always ready to realize his ambitions and to dominate the weak.

Apostle, Sphinx, Judge.

Low internal emotionality. Resilience, inflexibility and coldness of character. Striving for stability and balance. Such a person is difficult to manipulate. As a rule, he has a high level of intelligence.

Keeper, Master, Brownie (open).

Consistency in business, tight-fistedness, desire to accumulate resources and real estate. This is their lot to preserve and increase. Many appreciate them. Other’s and their secrets and resources are safely hidden. This will be a problem If there is nothing to keep in secret.

Open people

They live with real emotions and one day. Sincere and trusting. Easy to manipulate. They may suffer from this. Straightforward, do not always think about the consequences of words and deeds. They can commit follies in the heat of the moment. Rarely close themselves to the world outside, this is not their characteristic. Therefore, it can lead to psychological drama.

Keeper, Master, Brownie (closed).

Consistency in business, tight-fistedness, desire to accumulate resources and real estate. This is their lot to preserve and increase. Many appreciate them. Other’s and their secrets and resources are safely hidden. This will be a problem If there is nothing to keep in secret.

Closed people

They look at the world through the keyhole, and leave their experiences in their secret room. Such people have an innate artistry and the ability to play any role. They easily manipulate other people. Some even enjoy manipulation, and of course the benefits. Emotions are usually showy. Such people tolerate loneliness more easily.

Angel, Demon, Elf (open).

Emotionality, desire for power and control. Independence, intolerance of moral pressure over themselves. Getting pleasure from the attention from the people around and the desire to be in sight. Artistry, romanticism, attempts to fly above their heads in everything.

Open people

They live with real emotions and one day. Sincere and trusting. Easy to manipulate. They may suffer from this. Straightforward, do not always think about the consequences of words and deeds. They can commit follies in the heat of the moment. Rarely close themselves to the world outside, this is not their characteristic. Therefore, it can lead to psychological drama.

Angel, Demon, Elf (closed).

Emotionality, desire for power and control. Independence, intolerance of moral pressure over themselves. Getting pleasure from the attention from the people around and the desire to be in sight. Artistry, romanticism, attempts to fly above their heads in everything.

Closed people

They look at the world through the keyhole, and leave their experiences in their secret room. Such people have an innate artistry and the ability to play any role. Accordingly, they easily manipulate other people. Some even enjoy manipulation. And of course the benefits. Emotions are usually showy. Such people tolerate loneliness more easily.

Vector, Meteor (open).

Generation of a perpetual motion machine, forward movement, stable instability, chaos. Obsession with tomorrow. “Stopping” or “being closed in space” is highly undesirable and incompatible with the basis of his (her) essence. Interest in everything new. Focus on fast results. Finding the easy path of least resistance. Selective memory. Haste and therefore often low responsibility. The best manipulations are to scare, laugh, flatter and persuade - in any way to unbalance the opponent.

Open people

They live with real emotions and one day. Sincere and trusting. Easy to manipulate. They may suffer from this. Straightforward, do not always think about the consequences of words and deeds. They can commit follies in the heat of the moment. Rarely close themselves to the world outside, this is not their characteristic. Therefore, it can lead to psychological drama.

Vector, Meteor (closed).

Generation of a perpetual motion machine, forward movement, stable instability, chaos. Obsession with tomorrow. “Stopping” or “being closed in space” is highly undesirable and incompatible with the basis of his (her) essence. Interest in everything new. Focus on fast results. Finding the easy path of least resistance. Selective memory. Haste and therefore often low responsibility. The best manipulations are to scare, laugh, flatter and persuade - in any way to unbalance the opponent.

Closed people

They look at the world through the keyhole, and leave their experiences in their secret room. Such people have an innate artistry and the ability to play any role. Accordingly, they easily manipulate other people. Some even enjoy manipulation. And of course the benefits. Emotions are usually showy. Such people tolerate loneliness more easily.

Alchemist, Wizard, Magician (open).

Creative person. The person is able to mix different spheres of activity, materials and elements. This is the similarity with the wizard. The main thing is not to take the "dark side" or mix up what they don't understand.

Open people

They live with real emotions and one day. Sincere and trusting. Easy to manipulate. They may suffer from this. Straightforward, do not always think about the consequences of words and deeds. They can commit follies in the heat of the moment. Rarely close themselves to the world outside, this is not their characteristic. Therefore, it can lead to psychological drama.

Alchemist, Wizard, Magician (closed).

Creative person. The person is able to mix different spheres of activity, materials and elements. This is the similarity with the wizard. The main thing is not to take the "dark side" or mix up what they don't understand.

Closed people

They look at the world through the keyhole, and leave their experiences in their secret room. Such people have an innate artistry and the ability to play any role. Accordingly, they easily manipulate other people. Some even enjoy manipulation. And of course the benefits. Emotions are usually showy. Such people tolerate loneliness more easily.

Werewolf, Many-faced (open).

Constant change and generation of new plans and ideas. Fickle mood. Difficulty making promises and commitments. Artistry. The ability to play simple roles or yourself.

Diplomatic success in dealing with people. Settlement of disputes and conflicts.

Open people

They live with real emotions and one day. Sincere and trusting. Easy to manipulate. They may suffer from this. Straightforward, do not always think about the consequences of words and deeds. They can commit follies in the heat of the moment. Rarely close themselves to the world outside, this is not their characteristic. Therefore, it can lead to psychological drama.

Werewolf, Many-faced (closed).

Taking pleasure in manipulating people. Strategic planning and manipulation. Inborn artistry. Acting. The ability for each person to play their own role.

Closed people

They look at the world through the keyhole, and leave their experiences in their secret room. Such people have an innate artistry and the ability to play any role. Accordingly, they easily manipulate other people. Some even enjoy manipulation. And of course the benefits. Emotions are usually showy. Such people tolerate loneliness more easily.

How to check a person?

In order to check a person:

1. Go to the "Check a person" section in the personal account menu;

2. Next, enter the name of the person you will check and his date of birth;

3. Click the Get Result button. Pay for the check through Yandex.Checkout and after payment you will see a screen with the result.

Method X wishes you a pleasant test.

How to check compatibility?
To check compatibility:

1. Go to the "Check relations" section in your personal account;
2. Next, enter the name of the man you will check and his date of birth;
3. Also include the woman's name and date of birth;
4. Click the Get Result button. Pay for the check through Yandex Checkout and after payment you will see a compatibility screen.
5. In the compatibility window, you will see 2 values ​​from 0 to 100% and a description.

You will see a filled heart:
1) calm (even filling) is a calm relationship
2) small wave (drops)
3) big wave (this is a storm warning)

Lower value: Shows the current compatibility.

Top value: perspective to what result they (the relationship) will come.

Method X wishes you a pleasant test.

What is a profile?

Profile is your personal page. In it you can add your date of birth, name and briefly tell about yourself. Also you can upload your photo and see your verification status.

Each verified person is assigned its own status, to see it, click on the "Check" button to the right of the inscription Your profile.

By clicking on the assigned status, you will find out your verification result.

Thanks for downloading Method X! We wish you pleasant inspections.

How to view the rating and what is it?
What is a rating?

Rating is an opportunity to compare all test results in our application. You can add a photo and description to each person.
Also, on this screen all the results of checks of people and relationships are saved.

Where can you see?
Go to the "Rating" tab in your personal account;

We wish you pleasant checks!

Keeper, Master, Brownie (open).

Consistency in business, tight-fistedness, desire to accumulate resources and real estate. This is their lot to preserve and increase. Many appreciate them. Other’s and their secrets and resources are safely hidden. This will be a problem If there is nothing to keep in secret.

Open people

They live with real emotions and one day. Sincere and trusting. Easy to manipulate. They may suffer from this. Straightforward, do not always think about the consequences of words and deeds. They can commit follies in the heat of the moment. Rarely close themselves to the world outside, this is not their characteristic. Therefore, it can lead to psychological drama.

Method X
The Perfect Solution
Easy to use
You do not need to test a person for several hours or calculate the position of the Sun, just know the basic information.
Saves time and money
Psychologists, detectives, or many years of communication help to get to know a person, but all this is expensive. The check price in Method X is very low.
Protects from troubles
Method X determines the propensity of a person to lie, fraud, misconduct. You will be warned in advance of a possible danger and will be able to protect yourself.
The received data
amazes users
Our goal - to create a product that you like to use every day. That is why we are constantly working on method X, to make it better.
Read More Testimonials
Vyacheslav Lekhterev
For me as an entrepreneur, the application has become useful in terms of checking people, my contractors and potential employees. I check and clearly understand what it is that is just by date of birth. This mnc helps you make the right decision and not lose money. It's great that such a tool has appeared.
17 February 2020
Victoria Panchenko
The method helps me to choose the workers and contractors I need. If I was often mistaken before, now I make a decision taking into account the information on each person. Method x - Encyclopedia of Characters. Now I check people all the time. Then it is much more difficult to heal wounds and close losses. The method is also suitable for raising children. There is no need to search for information in any sources, Everything is in a single database and in a short and understandable language. General Director of the House of Financial Solutions Viktoria Panchenko
8 February 2020
Elena Dakhova
An interesting and useful application! You can check a person in any area of ​​life and not make a mistake, both in personal life and in business. I have already tested several people and the result was 100%! You can also learn more about your child, his inner world and find the right approach to him in a given situation. That's cool!
January 22, 2020
Evgeny Dronov
An excellent application that helps to make decisions, the interface is convenient and intuitive, the application itself is very nimble. No complaints, for a solid five.
March 13, 2020
Gena Belov
I really like this application, it is very important to know your employees. A lot can be learned with the date of birth. Excellent design, everything is easy and simple, the developers are great. No doubt 5 stars!
March 9, 2020
Ulyana Rybalkina
This is the very app that deserves five stars with a positive review.
March 23, 2020
Konstantin Konstantinov
Freaky app, checked out my spouse, learned a lot !!!
April 3, 2020
Checking in Method X is not expensive!
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